Attention Podiatrists!

Discover the power of facebook ads to grow your Clinic

Attract Your Dream Patients Using My Proven Facebook Ads Strategies

Easy to follow step-by-step program with copy and paste templates ready to use to save you time.

Become to go-to Podiatry clinic

Beginner Facebook Ads for Podiatrists


Beginner Facebook & Instagram Ads Training

No matter where you are in your Facebook Ads journey, our training starts from the beginner to teach you the foundations and basics of Facebook Ads.


Expert Support on hand

When you become a member, you'll have access to our private Facebook group to answer all your troubleshooting questions from an expert in Facebook + Instagram Ads.


Copy & Paste Templates

Podiatry Ad copy and Canva Ad creatives all ready for you to use to save you TIME!


AHPRA Compliant

Our training is AHPRA compliant and encourage ethical Facebook Ads for your clinic.

fill your appointment books with trophy patients... Let me show you how!

Easy to follow ad campaigns without any 'tech' required.

  • Launch successful ad campaigns that attract those trophy patients

  • Fill your appointment schedule FAST with DREAM patients

  • Stand out from the noise and become the go-to clinic full of patients that bring joy to your day

  • Start building automated campaigns to save you time

Hold Up! I'm know what you're thinking! "Cameron, I feel icky and salesy running Facebook Ads for my clinic."

That's why, you'll find inside...

  • Ethical Facebook + Instagram Advertising

  • No New patient bulk discounting tactics

  • No pushy tactics

  • Full compliance with AHPRA and the National Law

  • We teach the concept of helpful marketing/advertising instead of aggressive sales tactics

"Most Podiatrist don't need more patients, we need more patients that bring us joy in our day to prevent this high burn out rate we are seeing"

Become the go-to clinic in your area

Launch brand awareness ads the right way and become top of mind for your prospects and patients in your local area.

  • Show your ad to 1000 people for only $5-8

  • Capture leads to then use in your email marketing

  • Fool-proof strategy to skyrocket your Facebook followers

  • Set and forgot ad strategy to save you time

  • Super easy to follow.. even if you're a beginner

Here's a sneak peek..

  • Super easy to implement

  • No tech required

  • 10 Ad copy Copy and Paste Templates ready for you to use today

  • 30 Ad Creative templates ready to use

  • Designed just for Podiatry clinics

Getting started with your first Facebook Ads Campaign is easy as 1...2...3.!

About Cameron..

Digital Marketer | Podiatrist | Facebook Ads Expert

  • Certified Digital Marketer Dip. Bus (Digital Marketing)

  • Certified Meta Digital Marketing Associate

  • Worked with clients running with ad campaigns in excess of $500k/year

  • Launched many start up healthcare clinics with comprehensive digital marketing campaigns

  • Launched and managed 7 figure eCommerce companies using Facebook + Instagram Advertising

  • Ran extensive digital marketing campaigns for large medical hubs

  • 5 Years experience in Facebook & Instagram Ads

  • Specialising now in Healthcare clinics such as Allied Health, Dental and General Practice

Your Investment

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Instant Access

Training Program Portal

Ad Copy templates

Canva Ad Creative Templates

12 months access




"We are getting new patients booking directly into our practice software for only $8, Cameron has the knowledge and expertise to help any healthcare clinic grow"

- Greg, Chiropractor


"Cameron has been amazing in growing my business, knowing the latest in Facebook Advertising, he's on top of it "

- Alex, HPF Program


"A real professional, love your work Cameron"

- Sam + Bara, General Practice owners

Clients include..

Frequently Asked Questions

Why You Can NO LONGER AFFORD to ignore Facebook Advertising

  • Facebook generates the highest ROI out of all social platforms

  • Organic reach has plummeted. Facebook 8% and Instagram 13% of your audience see's your posts.

  • It's now a pay to play model

"I'm not techy"

We get it!

You've a practitioner, not a digital marketer. If you can copy and paste and follow a recipe, you can follow this program. PLUS I'm here to help you along the way.

I've even included a bonus training: Tech Explained.

What if I don't have time?

Totally understand, we are all time poor.

That's way I've made it as much as I can - Plug and Play to save you time with many copy and paste templates.

I'm a complete beginner when it comes to social media and ads, is it for me?

Yes! I'm designed the program to suit all levels. If you're serious and transforming your clinic and bring in those dream patients, then I'm here to help you along the way.

Our Guarantee

The 60-Day Unconditional Guarantee

By making the decision to start using Facebook and Instagram Ads for your Podiatry clinic, you've most likely leaned out of your comfort zone.

I'm here to walk, skip or jump by your side and provide the support you need, as you launch your ad campaigns.

Because I want you to trust in me, in this program and most importantly, in yourself.

The risk is 100% on me with this guarantee.

From the day you say YES, you have exactly 60 days to put the Beginner Facebook Ads for Podiatrists to the test.

I don't want unhappy money or unhappy customers. Not happy after 60 days? No worries! Send an email to and ask for a refund. We will give you a full and fast refund on the spot. We don't ask questions or even get you to fill out a form. We also process the refund the same day. PLUS, we let you keep access to the course for another 60 days to get the most of it even after your refund.

Ready to get started now?

Your Investment

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One Time Payment

Most Popular

Instant Access

Training Program Portal

Ad Copy templates

Canva Ad Creative Templates

12 months access


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